Archive for April 30th, 2006

Form Tighter Bonds With Customers

April 30, 2006

Form Tighter Bonds With Customers:

Know how to replenish your customers’ inventory.
Know what’s on your customers’ shopping lists, and what’s going to be on them.
Know how customers perceive their needs. Often, it’s not what you think.
Know what they’ve bought from other vendors, and how you stack up.
Reduce your costs via demand forecasting and tight customer integration.
Become your customers’ long-term supplier.
Attract new customers and larger orders.

A customer’s shopping list is their future shopping cart. It predicts what they will buy. You can get this prediction for tomorrow, next week, or next month, for example.

Difference between Satisfied Customer and Loyal Customers

April 30, 2006

How can you differentiate between your satisfied customers and your loyal customers? Here are eight ways. They are equally relevant to your external customers as they are to your internal employee customers.

1.Pricing. You negotiate prices with satisfied customers. You negotiate costs with loyal customers.
2.Payment. Satisfied customer pay at their discretion. Loyal customers pay on time.
3.Referrals. Satisfied customers become referrals of your competitors. Loyal customers willingly provide referrals to you.
4.Turnover. Generally, you will experience turnover rates of 15% or higher of satisfied customers. The turnover rate of loyal customers will be less than 5% and will be for reasons out of your control.
5.Competitive data. Your satisfied customers are seeking competitive data. Your loyal customers are sharing competitive data.
6.Perception. Satisfied customers perceive you as a commodity provider. Loyal customers perceive you as a partner.
7.Contract. You will need a contract to keep many satisfied customers in place. You have a virtual lifetime contract with your loyal customers.
8.Difficult times. Satisfied customers will leave you. Loyal customers will stay by your side.

Benefits of Integrating Defect Tracking and Customer Support System

April 30, 2006

When Defect Tracking and Customer Support are integrated, companies find:

– Customer defects are identified and resolved faster.
– The cost of collecting defect data is greatly reduced.
– Development and QA engineers spend more time working on issues and less time collecting information about bugs and defects.
– When the defect is resolved, customers are notified more rapidly.
– Customer Support agent time is better used and productivity improves.
– Customer Support and Development use a common language and terminology, which makes their communication more effective.
– Comprehensive reporting and analysis of customer-related defects is now possible.

Today in our company are struggling with this problem. We need to integrate Customer Support System and Issue Tracking System, in order to reap the benefits.